Most people do it. In their head, out loud... everyone makes more then one wish in their life. Wishing is to hope or desire for something.
Some people wish on a shooting star, some on New Years Eve, some at 11:11pm, some when they blow out their birthday candles, and some just do it whenever they can.
I plan to make this blog into twenty wishes :)
1. I wish someone would love me how I want to be loved.
2. I wish I could forget about some people.
3. I wish I had some amazing talent.
4. I wish I had a vibrant personality that made people like me.
5. I wish I could dance again.
6. I wish my future ends up successful.
7. I wish I will get married and have kids before I am thirty.
8. I wish I didn't over think everything.
9. I wish I could have that one perfect, amazing date.
10. I wish I could find a balance for everything I love in my life.
11. I wish my Dad and I were closer.
12. I wish I could meet someone famous.
13. I wish I could meet a boy who would change my general opinion on them.
14. I wish this year, 2010, that I will find amazing love.
15. I wish I could pass year twelve easily.
16. I wish that you weren't on my mind 24/7.
17. I wish my 11:11pm wishes would come true.
18. I wish you would kiss me again.
19. I wish my life was easy.
20. I wish I could disappear.
I think that is all I will leave you with for tonight.
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